Body Paint Time Half & Half Colorful Theme

Test 2 A (Module 2)


A Underline the correct item.

1. "I can't believe that we spent so much money at the supermarket!" - "Well, prices have gone with/ up again."

2. Milk and other dairy products are very appealing/ nourishing for young children, as they help them grow

strong and healthy.

3. She bought a beautiful handbag that goes with /off all her clothes.

4. The loud street bargains/ vendors create a colourful atmosphere.

5. It's fun looking through the things at the open-air stalls/ malls.

6. Be careful not to spill the beans /spill the salt and tell Tom about a surprise party.

7. Can you pour/ peel the potatoes, please?

8. "I like scrambled eggs. How about you?" –"I prefer them poached/ mashed."

9. Don't worry, I'll show you how to set the table for a formal dinner; it's a cup of tea /piece of cake.

10. Sharon is on a very tight budget/ bargain right now, so she doesn't want to spend money on anything she doesn't really need.

B Fill in the missing word. There are three answers you do not need to use.

Pride, packed, pinch, fussy, demand, side, basically, stock

11. If you add a ______________ of salt, it will taste better.

12. It's very popular so it is in great ___________ at the moment.

13. Traditional Spanish tortilla, which is _______ a thick potato omelette, is very popular in Spain.

14. A lot of young children don't like many types of food. They are __________ eaters.

15. Mothers take great __________ in creating 'school-bentos' for their children.


C Put the words in brackets into the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous.

16. He __________ (work) very hard recently. He needs some time off.

17. ___________ (you /ever/ eat) Chinese food?

18. Liz __________ (go) to the flea market. She'll be back in an hour.

19. __________ (you/clean) all morning?

20. We ____________ (not/buy) all our Christmas presents yet.

Test 2 A (Module 2)

D Underline the correct item.

21. This dish is delicious and doesn't take much/many time to prepare.

22. What is Jane doing? She has been to/been in the dressing room for an hour.

23. There were very little/few people at the restaurant, so it was easy for us to find a table.

24. Lyn's family moved to Spain from - / the UK when she was still a baby.

25. Your doctor can give you some good advice/ advices on how to follow a more balances diet.

26. Dad will back in half an hour. He's gone to/been to the newsagent's to pick up today's paper.

27. Ann can't make it to dinner tonight, but the good news is/ are that she'll be able to spend the whole weekend with us.

28. Her grandmother has a gold Russian/ Russian gold pair of earrings.

29. Can I pay by/in cheque, please?

30. "Do you want to have lunch with me?" –"Sure. I have a little/a few free time before my next class."

Everyday English

E Use the sentences (a-e) to complete the dialogue.

Lisa: This antique table is really beautiful. 31) ___ a) It was a bargain.

Maria: Yes, I bought it 2 days ago. 32) _________ b) Is it new?

Lisa: It really suits your living room.

Where did you buy it? c) I'm glad you like it.

Maria: 33) ________ d) It's just around the corner from the florist's.

Lisa: I've never been there. Whereabouts is it? e) At Pete's Antique Shop in the town centre.

Maria: 34) ________

Lisa: Was it expensive?

Maria: Not at all. 35) _____. I got it for half the original price.

Lisa: Fantastic! Maybe I'll go and have a look on Saturday.

Maria: We can go together if you like.

Lisa: Great! See you there.


F Read the email and choose A, B or C to complete the gaps.

Test 2 A (Module 2)


e.g. A and B but C so

36 A have come B come C are coming

37 A few B little C many

38 A the B - C a

39 A budgets B prices C bargains

40 A shoppers B malls C stalls

41 A good B benefit C charity

42 A sale B shop С bazaar

43 A many B lots C lot

44 A by B with C in

45 A butcher's B optician's C chemist's


H Listen to some people talking about shopping. Number the statements A-F in the order you hear them. There is one extra statement that you do not need to use.

A I bought a second-hand appliance which is in really good condition. 46. Speaker 1 ____

B It takes me some time to find a good bargain. 47. Speaker 2 ____

C I had an argument with the person at the shop. 48. Speaker 3 ____

D I couldn't exchange what I bought. 49. Speaker 4 ____

E I always buy more than what I plan to here. 50. Speaker 5 ____

F I prefer the shops near my house.

Test 2 B (Module 2)


A Underline the correct item.

1. It's fun looking through the things at the open-air malls /stalls.

2. "I like scrambled eggs. How about you?" –"I prefer them poached/ mashed."

3. Be careful not to spill the salt /spill the beans and tell Tom about a surprise party.

4. Don't worry, I'll show you how to set the table for a formal dinner; it's a cup of tea/piece of cake.

5. "I can't believe that we spent so much money at the supermarket!" - "Well, prices have gone with/ up again."

6. Liz is on a very tight budget/ bargain right now, so she doesn't want to spend money on anything she doesn't really need.

7. She bought a beautiful handbag that goes with /off all her clothes.

8. Milk and other dairy products are very appealing/ nourishing for young children, as they help them grow strong and healthy.

9. The loud street bargains/ vendors create a colourful atmosphere.

10. Can you pour/ peel the vegetables, please?

B Fill in the missing word. There are three answers you do not need to use.

demand, pinch, fussy, packed, side, basically, pride, stock

11. A lot of young children don't like many types of food. They are __________ eaters.

12. Mothers take great __________ in creating 'school-bentos' for their children

13. It's very popular so it is in great ___________ at the moment.

14. If you add a ______________ of salt, it will taste better.

15. Traditional Spanish tortilla, which is _______ a thick potato omelette, is very popular in Spain.


C Put the words in brackets into the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous.

16. We ____________ (not/buy) all our Christmas presents yet.

17. __________ (you/write) all morning?

18. Phil __________ (go) to the supermarket. He'll be back in an hour.

19. ___________ (you /ever/ eat) Japanese food?

20. He __________ (work) very hard recently. He needs some time off.

Test 2 B (Module 2)

D Underline the correct item.

21. Tom can't make it to dinner tonight, but the good news is/ are that he'll be able to spend the whole weekend with us.

22. Can I pay by/in cheque, please?

23. Mark will back in half an hour. He's gone to/been to the newsagent's to pick up today's paper.

24. Her aunt has a gold Russian/ Russian gold pair of earrings.

25. "Do you want to have lunch with me?" –"Sure. I have a little/a few free time before my next class."

26. There were very little/few people at the restaurant, so it was easy for us to find a table.

27. This dish is delicious and doesn't take much/many time to prepare.

28. Helen's family moved to German from - / the UK when she was still a baby.

29. What is Kate doing? She has been to/been in the dressing room for an hour.

30. Your doctor can give you some good advice/ advices on how to follow a more balanced diet.

Everyday English

E Use the sentences (a-e) to complete the dialogue.

Lisa: This antique table is really beautiful. 31) ___ a) I'm glad you like it.

Maria: Yes, I bought it 2 days ago. 32) _________ b) Is it new?

Lisa: It really suits your living room.

Where did you buy it? c) It's just around the corner from the florist's.

Maria: 33) ________ d) It was a bargain.

Lisa: I've never been there. Whereabouts is it? e) At Pete's Antique Shop in the town centre.

Maria: 34) ________

Lisa: Was it expensive?

Maria: Not at all. 35) _____. I got it for half the original price.

Lisa: Fantastic! Maybe I'll go and have a look on Saturday.

Maria: We can go together if you like.

Lisa: Great! See you there.


F Read the email and choose A, B or C to complete the gaps.

Test 2 B (Module 2)


e.g. A and B but C so

36 A have come B are coming C come

37 A many B little C few

38 A the B a C -

39 A prices B bargains C budgets

40 A stalls B malls C shoppers

41 A good B charity C benefit

42 A bazaar B shop С sale

43 A many B lot C lots

44 A by B in C with

45 A optician's B butcher's C chemist's


H Listen to some people talking about shopping. Number the statements A-F in the order you hear them. There is one extra statement that you do not need to use.

A I couldn't exchange what I bought. 46. Speaker 1 ____

B I prefer the shops near my house. 47. Speaker 2 ____

C I always buy more than what I plan to here. 48. Speaker 3 ____

D I bought a second-hand appliance which is in really good condition. 49. Speaker 4 ____

E I had an argument with the person at the shop. 50. Speaker 5 ____

F It takes me some time to find a good bargain.



A 1 up 6 spill the beans

2 nourishing 7 peel

3 with 8 poached

4 vendors 9 piece of cake

5 stalls 10 budget

B 11 pinch C 16 has been working

12 demand 17 Have you ever eaten

13 basically 18 has gone

14 fussy 19 Have you been cleaning

15 pride 20 haven't bought

D 21 much 26 gone to E 31 b

22 been in 27 is 32 c

23 few 28 Russian gold 33 e

24 the 29 by 34 d

25 advice 30 a little 35 a

F 36 C 41 C G 46 D

37 A 42 A 47 B

38 C 43 B 48 F

39 B 44 C 49 A

40 C 45 B 50 E



A 1 stalls 6 budget

2 poached 7 with

3 spill the beans 8 nourishing

4 piece of cake 9 vendors

5 up 10 peel

B 11 fussy C 16 haven't bought

12 pride 17 Have you been writing

13 demand 18 has gone

14 pinch 19 Have you ever eaten

15 basically 20 has been working

D 21 is 26 few E 31 b

22 by 27 much 32 a

23 gone to 28 the 33 e

24 Russian gold 29 been in 34 c

25 a little 30 advice 35 d

F 36 B 41 B G 46 A

37 C 42 C 47 F

38 B 43 C 48 B

39 A 44 B 49 D

40 A 45 A 50 C

Tape script

Workbook ex.3 ( p.15)



Body Paint Time Half & Half Colorful Theme


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